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Testimonial 9 – Ultimate Collagen Regeneration 我的客戶·您的見證 系列9 - 終極膠原再生

Updated: Feb 16, 2020

This is an authentic testimonial of our clients and we have obtained their consents to publish.

Signs of photo-decay: yellowing, rough skin; wrinkles; dark spots; visible varicose veins; proliferation of acne and many more. Photo-decay caused by direct exposure to sunlight in fact accounts for over 80% of skin problems!

Mrs. Choi is an active lady who goes on daily hikes. Yet with this lifestyle, UV exposure is unavoidable. Her visage doesn’t look her age, and is peppered with unsightly wrinkles.

The combination of Wonders of Light Therapy and Rox’s Fractional Laser brings a quick solution to all her troubles. In just 10 days after the treatment, there is a noticeable increase in collagen and her wrinkles practically disappeared!

This is no trick – in fact this treatment is so effective that its effect lasts for at least 5 years! When this treatment is enhanced by Oneness’s exclusive facial massage, you can surely witness an unbelievable improvement in collagen levels and complexion.




療程後10日,面部骨膠原明顯提升,細紋皺紋全部減淡!究竟呢個效果可以延續幾耐?答案係五年! 再生光段療程配合Oneness獨家筋膜按壓手法,隨後三個月骨膠原會不停生長,越變越好,然後維持長達五年。



5 Days From You, 5 Years Younger for Your skin


Ultrapulse CO2 Fractional Laser in Combination with Regenerative Medical Technology in the Treatment of Facial Photoaging of Asian People: Five-year Follow-up Study


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